
Adventure To The New Land

The parents are in the kitchen now, the sisters going upstairs.

"Hey, guys!" Lori whispers to the four. "Mom and dad are in the kitchen right now. Don't worry, they didn't notice anything."

"What should we do with this dog now?" Lincoln asked.

"I remembered that dog kinda dirty, maybe we should help him clean a bit!" Leni suggest.

The Louds siblings agreed with Leni's idea.

"Well, look like I need to work this guy, again!" Lana sighs.

The first one leave the attic was Lucy, then is Lincoln, next is Lana and Lola was the last one who leave the attic, so she grabbed the ladder but she slipped and fell down.

The next scene, show Lola fell down by the ladder. The others are screamed.

Suddenly, Lisa shouted. "LILY, GET HER!!!"

Lily created a shield to protect Lola from falling.

Lola opens her eyes, and saw herself lying on a invisible blue wall.

"What is this?" The princess asked.

"Lise, what is that thing?" The tomboy asked.

"Sorry, elder siblings! You may very confused what happening, right? I'll explain everything later!" The genius answered.


"Oh, no! It's dad!" Lynn worried.

"Where should we hide this dog, 'cause there is not enough time bring this it to the attic!" Luna questioned.

Lincoln looking everywhere and he has an idea.

"The bathroom, FAST!!!" He shouted.

The tomboy girl grabbed the dirty dog and run fast to the bathroom as she can.

"Phew" the Loud kids sigh.

The parents are upstairs now.

"Uhh... Kids!?" Lynn Sr. asked. "Can you tell us, what's going on here?"

All the siblings were glared at Lisa except for Lily.

"Lily saved Lola!" Lily respond to her parents.

"What do you mean?" Rita asked.

Lisa nervous told her parents. "Ha...Ha! Let's me explain that, mother and father."

When that the family heard the shower noise in the bathroom.

Rita asked first. "Someone in there?" and she walks to the bathroom's door but Luna pulled her back.

"Luna, why are pull your own mother, young lady!?" Rita questioned but her face seems serious.

"Well... Uh... You know, Lana is take a bath!!" The rock musician answered and chuckled.

"Or should I say 'She is taking a shall-er' ! HAHAHAH!!! Get it?!" Luan joked but the family are groaned at her pun, except for Lynn Sr.

"Honey, I really don't get why Lana take a bath by herself? I remembered every day, you are the one who remind her to take a bath." Lynn Sr said to his wife.

"Yeah! You just said that make me realised that!" Rita realised what her husband said.

"Come on, pops! Maybe she's used to it so she automatically takes care of herself." Lynn Jr said to her dad.

"Well, honey! At least, Lana still takes a bath every day so we no need to remind her anymore!" Rita said to Lynn Sr.

"Ok, dinner will be in 30 mins!" The Loud father said to his children.

When the parents are leaving, Lucy tries to knock to bathroom's door.

"Lan, It's me, Lucy! You two are safe now!" Lucy told the tomboy girl.

"Sorry, Luce. I'm help this dog bathe." Lana replied.

"Can I help, too!" Lola appeared behind Lucy, made her surprise.

"But didn't you hate dirty animals?" The goth girl asked.

"Tttch...!!! Not anymore!!!" Lola despised the black hair. And walk into the bathroom.

"Did you guys see when the new dog were here, Lola has been changed and care about him much?!" Lori's question caught her younger siblings attention.

The bathroom's door open reveal, a girl wear a princess dress with long blond hair, while she hold pink towel and a loofa steps inside.

"Lola?!" The pigtails confused.

Lola closed that door and said. "Hey, sis! Get ready, Theo gonna be the my cleanest dog!"

"Woah, Lols!!! I can't believe you want this little guy to be your own pet." Lana surprise what her twin said.


5 minutes later...


"Soooo... You really want to name him Theo?" The tomboy asked.

"Yes, Lana! When I grow up, if I have my own family with Winston, I want a son name (censored) and a(n) daughter name (censored), finally is a dog name Theo." Lola told Lana about her future life with her crush Winston.

"Come on, Lols! You are 7 and still a kid." Lana said. "And yes, I love Skippy, but I'm not think too far like you." The pigtails rolled her eyes.

After everything was done, the twins saw Theo fur are white and he wear a diamond shaped necklace with a circle gem like emerald inside.

"Hey, sis!"

"What is it?" The princess asked.

"I'm always think why Theo has that necklace."

"Let's ask Lisa!!!" The long hair suggested.


End chapter


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