
Adventure To The New Land

The Next Day: Saturday, xx-xx-2017,

At the Loud House, the Louds kid just stays at home and do their own thing.

In the Lori and Leni's room, Leni just finished another scarf for her roomate, Lori, if the weather in Fairway is bad, she could wear it to warm.

"Hey, Lori!" Leni shouted.

"Yes, Len?"

"O-M-Gosh! Look at this, I think it's tote good with your style!!!" Leni shouted again.

"Isn't this from the last night but in different color?!" The oldest sister asked.

"Nah! That was for Bobby and this one is yours." Leni replied.

"Wow. Thanks, Leni, put those two on my bed, Bobby gonna like your scarf." Lori said.

"Ok, sis, get ready! Almost 9 A.M." Lori said to the fashionista girl.

"Wait, Lori!!" Leni shouted.

"What now?!"

"I wonder when you'll get back to the college." The fashionista girl asked the oldest sister.

"I don't know, probably 2 months or 1 month and a half, 'cause the University, people are still rebuilding." Lori answered.


10 minutes later


Lana walking to the oldest's room, "Sorry, everyone! I'm late." her face felt sick and she wears a warm coat.

"Hey, dude. You feeling better?" Luna asked.

"Did you took the pills yet, elder sister?" Lisa asked.

"I just want to say you need to sleep more." Lincoln suggested.

"Thanks, everyone for asking but I'm a bit better than last night!" Lana comfort her siblings.

"Fast, Lana, we need to test Lisa's new in-vent-tion. HAHAHAH!!!!! Get it?!" Luan made a bad pun and what her received is just a groaned from her siblings.

Lori clears throat and started to tell about another Lisa's invention.

"Ok, Lisa! It's your turn." She finished her lines and go back sit on her bed.

The prodigy kid steps on the pulpit.

(Well, actually that is just an old table, Leni used to do her shitty colthes and stuff but she N Lynn Jr updated it).

Lisa starts to present: "Hello, my siblings, I'm glad to see you here to help me test my newest invention.", "Well, a few days ago, I told this thing like goggle map, right? But it also can scan and find unknown thing on Earth."

Leni raises her hand up.

"Did you had any question, second eldest sister?!" The 5 years old asked.

"Yes, I did! Do you mean there is a 'Mysterious Land' on Earth? I always thought like in the movie our family used to watch." Leni said.

"Actually, at first, I don't very believe that kind of stuff. But months ago, I have read some history files in the library. Some of the past explorers went to an adventure, when I've seen a few of them have meet a lot of supernatural things, at the end were just blank. After that, those places are unknown and no one can't found the truth. So I built this baby and I want myself to see that 'Mysterious Land' thingy with my own naked-eye." Lisa said to her siblings why she built the machine.

"Eh-hem! Thanks for listening to my presentation." The genius girl finished her last lines.

"Hey, Lisa! Can we test that machine right now?" The white-haired boy asked.

"Yes, but oldest to youngest and except me, of course!" Lisa put her hands into the lab coat.

The genius girl press a red button, that machine started to flash and the screen appear a map. It have a lots ".", but it actually people who live on the Earth in small version.

"Uh... I don't know how to use this!" Lori said.

Lisa sigh and explains. "Use the controller in your right to move the map, if you want to zoom in, press "plus" or zoom out, press "minus", understood!?"

"Thanks, Lise!" Lori sighs in relief.

"You can find anything or anywhere to see it, because I want test if it work."

On the map, Lori has arrived to Fairway. "Ughh!!! Why they are not even finish?!?!" Lori annoying.

"Lori, can I test now? I don't want to be rude with you but, please!?" Leni begged her sister.

"Ok." Lori said and rolls her eyes.

"Thank you!" Leni shouted.

"I want to know how Scott doing right now!?" The fashionista girl moved the map to Loch Loud.


30 minutes later...


Everything was done, the siblings leaving the room except for Theo.

He was just stared at the machine like he want to do something with it.

"I can't believe it can show people the map!" Lincoln walked outside the room and said to Lisa.

"Especially, I can watch people play sports, while could moving free and no need to use my ass sitting like usual!!!" The athlete girl shouted.

At night...

The twins with Theo back to bed. When the twins are asleep, he woke up and go outside. Theo went to Lisa and Lily's bedroom.

He tries to open the door by hands. Inside the room, he saw Lily is sleeping in her crib next to him and Lisa on her bed like the others.

Theo comes to Lisa machine and press some random buttons, made the machine took a lot of pictures that he sets up.


The next day


"Lana, Lana, wake up!!!" Lola shouted in front of her twin.

Lana heard someone call her, she woke up. "What's happening, Lols?!"

"I can't find him!!!" She shouted again.

"Girls, what's happen!?"

They're turned back and saw the others.

"Is anything ok, we hear you're screaming." Luan comfort them.

"Wait a minute! If he didn't here, did one of you see Theo in your room." Lola asked her siblings.

They said no and shrugged their shoulders.

"A few people are missing! That mean..." Lori gasps.

Everyone shouted. "LISA AND LILY!!!"

They all ran into the youngest room. Lincoln tries to open the door and push it but it's too heavy.

"I think the door is locked." Lincoln said.

"Stay away and let me handle this." Lynn responded.


In the youngest's room


"Lisa-Lisa" Lily tries to woke Lisa.

"Good morning, Lily... What the fuck is going on?" Lisa gasps and saw their room surround by pictures.

"Theo!!!" Lily points at the dog.

Suddenly, they heard the door was kicked by Lynn.

"You two, ok?" Leni worried and asked them.

"Lola, look! He's over there." Lana points at the dog.

Another picture just took from the machine, Theo jumps up and grabbed it by his mouth. And he turn around give to Lisa.

"What is it, buddy?!" Lisa takes it from the white dog and saw a picture it kinda like a statue have built for years.

"Hey, Lisa! Why Theo gave that to you?" The tomboy girl questioned.

"Ok-ok-ok!! Let's talk about this later. Now, please do your own stuff first, then we will take-a-look at this picture." Lisa calms everyone.


End chapter


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